What if Todd?
What if Todd’s brain splattered onto this page and sputtered out unencumbered brilliance that changed your life?
Or, what if yours did, and it changed Todd’s life? Or, anyone else’s life? All of this is possible. Our ideas, words, and, most importantly our conversations about them, change the world. As do our actions that follow.
Todd’s down to make an impact. Are you? Are you ready to change the world?
Who the heck is Todd Nordstrom?
I’ve been called many things—strange, scrappy, and prolific. It’s no secret. I am a bit different. I see the world and my role in it through a lens shared by no one. I often don’t understand the people around me. I often disagree with their points of view. And, I often believe I’m right, and rarely wrong.
All these things might first lead you to conclude that I might be arrogant, unsettling, and, yes, obscure. The irony, of course, is that we’re all exactly the same in our differences. We all see the world with a perspective only we can see—different than anyone else. I am different. You are different. We all are different—with varying stories, experiences, and perceptions. We all believe we are right, not wrong, based on our unique histories. And, this is why I believe we all have a story to tell. You have a perspective that only you can share today.
Here’s the rub…
Throughout my life I’ve interviewed many thousands of people. Some have accomplished great things. Others are seemingly normal. And, others would actually be considered a burden to society. I’ve listened to their experiences, ideas, stories, and concepts. I’ve asked questions. I’ve prodded them for deeper understanding. And, honestly, I have yet to hear a bad, boring, or stupid idea or story. In fact, I would suggest that we each possess a unique brilliance of our own—we’re all right, not wrong. Our problem is not the concepts we wish to share. No. I’ve honestly never walked away from conversation thinking, “That was irrelevant.’ I’ve only walked away thinking, “That was a horrible presentation of absolute brilliance.”
Of course, I have a perception—on how to better entertain an audience, deliver a prescriptive message, share an idea, and change people’s minds, lives, and futures. And, so do you. Your perception can change the world with the right presentation. The question is; are you ready to share your brilliant story with the world?
I will help you.
Todd R. Nordstrom
Who I’ve Contributed To

Todd In A Box
After nearly 25 years writing books, Todd has helped guide some of the bestselling authors on the planet to reach unimaginable success.

Todd On the Line
You’ve always dreamed of writing a book. But, you wonder if your idea has validity, if you’re structuring your chapters correctly, or if you’re completely missing the gold in your own words. Todd has helped countless authors find their unique voice.

Todd with a Red Pen
Want to write your own book, but need someone to read every word and help you master a page-turner? Todd has helped countless authors discover their inner voice and rhythm to tell memorable and inspiring stories, from chapter 1 to the very last word.
Let someone who has done it before help you craft a game-changer.

Todd the Ghost
Some of the best advice, ideas, and stories live inside the experiences of people who struggle to write — because it’s just not a skillset, or they simply don’t have the time. Todd has ghostwritten more books than he can remember. 12 books have become bestsellers. Share your brilliance with the world. Leave a timeless legacy.
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